Bite Of Minnesota: Mint Simple Syrup

Here we go again, the start of another market season. Although we have winter markets to keep us supplied with the basics, we’re truly yearning for outdoor markets abundant with fresh herbs, crisp veggies, and the faces of others like us who are participating in this shared experience.

Beginning of the season offerings are usually limited to things like rhubarb, radishes, green onions and a salad mix or two. You can also expect preserved goods, fermented foods, meat, cheese, and plenty of sweets. I was particularly excited to find fresh mint, more specially spearmint so I could restock my supply of mint syrup.

Mint syrup is my absolute favorite addition to my iced coffees in the morning and I use such a small amount (less than 1 teaspoon) that it lasts me a long time in the refrigerator. We do a cold brew using a Toddy, where water is poured over coffee grounds and left to sit overnight, creating a concentrated coffee. We use a ratio of 1/3 cup cold brew + 2/3 cup water, served over ice. Personally, I like to use 1/3 cup soy milk in place of half the water, and of course, a small drizzle of mint syrup.

Mint Syrup

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

1 bunch mint

In a medium sized saucepan, bring sugar and water to a boil and stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and add mint. Let steep for 30 minutes or until cooled. Strain and store

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